
Publication date: 2018-11-20
ISSUE: 2018-14
TUNG YU E-PAPERISSUE : 2018-14 - Why TUNG YU can have more effective way to save manpower and process time for customer?

Why TUNG YU can have more effective way to save manpower and process time for customer?

For reducing manpower and process time, the main idea is an automatic solution
2019 India Rubber Expo

2019 India Rubber Expo

2019 India Rubber Expo will begin at Jan. 17th. This big event happens every two years, come and visit us. 

More information about our show : http://www.tungyu.com/exhibition/

Report-Istanbul Rubber Industry Fair 2018

Report-Istanbul Rubber Industry Fair 2018

Since we have cooperated with our agents in Turkey, we receive...read more

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