Publication date: 2021-02-24
ISSUE: 2021-01
TUNG YU E-PAPER > ISSUE : 2021-01 - How to save material and increase productivity simultaneously?
How to save material and increase productivity simultaneously?
Injection molding machine for rubber or silicone products can save material without wasting and easy to optimize automation.
Injection molding machines are used to make all kind of oil seals, dust seals, o-rings, car window seals, medical syringe pistons, diving mask and so on. Tung Yu focuses on compression and rubber injection molding solutions and help our customers to find the way and cut the edge.
Medium Injection Molding Machine | Tung Yu Machinery Suppplier

* EU based quality and manufacturing standards
* Continuous product development
* Specialty products and flexible design capabilities
* Spare parts and technical support.